Getting Started

Get an example setup running without diving into the code.

Quick Start

We provide Docker images. These can be found here. The GitHub Container Registry (GHCR) allows downloading Docker images without credentials. You will find an image for each release tag with the corresponding version. In addition, an image of the main branch is automatically provided as soon as changes are identified.


For an easy deployment, make sure that you have Docker installed. Then, execute the following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --name connector

Local Build

If you want to build and run locally, ensure that at least Java 17 is installed. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. After that, switch to the downloaded directory with cd DataspaceConnector.
  3. We highly recommend to only use tagged commits. The main branch may also contain unstable changes and features. Therefore:
    1. List all available tags with: git tag -l. (optional)
    2. Choose the latest tag and execute: git checkout tags/<tag_name>, e.g. git checkout tags/v7.0.0.
  4. To build the project, run ./mvnw clean package.
  5. Navigate to /target and run java -jar dataspaceconnector-{VERSION}.jar.

Interacting with the running Connector

If everything worked fine, the connector is available at https://localhost:8080/. The API can be accessed at https://localhost:8080/api. The Swagger UI can be found at https://localhost:8080/api/docs.

For certain REST endpoints, you will be asked to log in. The default credentials are admin and password. Please take care to change these when deploying and hosting the connector yourself!

For a more detailed explanation of deployment and configurations, see here.

Next, please take a look at our communication guide.

Test Deployments

The IDSA community provides a free GitHub repository with sample deployments. These include not only the Dataspace Connector or a deployment together with ConfigManager and GUI, but also some with other IDS components. The goal is to provide an easy entry into the whole IDS ecosystem. Feel free to have a look at the files or contribute with your own examples.

Running IDS test instances for the Dataspace Connector and other IDS participants are documented here.