Parametrized Backend Calls

See how to use query parameters, path segments, and headers for the backend request on data retrieval.

The Dataspace Connector supports the usage of custom headers, query parameters, and path segments when fetching data from backend systems. Therefore, it is possible for a data consumer to specify them when requesting data from a data provider.


A resource has an attribute endpointDocumentation of type URI. Thus, when registering a resource, a data provider can add a link pointing to the API documentation for the referenced backend. In that documentation, the path segments, query parameters, and headers expected or supported by the backend API may be described.

When defining the URL of an HTTP backend, the provider can either provide only the base URL

or already add static path segments or query parameters, if necessary:

When a request is made by a consumer specifying additional parameters or path segments, these will be appended to the pre-defined ones.


After requesting a resource’s metadata, a data consumer can follow the link to the documentation, decide which headers, query parameters, and path segments should be used and then specify these when requesting the data.

To be able to request the data, the consumer first has to negotiate a contract with the provider for the desired artifact (using POST /api/ids/contract). The consumer connector then automatically queries the request artifact’s and the corresponding resource’s metadata and stores them to its database. The HTTP response contains the contract agreement, that has been created during the messaging sequence. This agreement object contains some meta information that i.a. reference the IDs of the newly created artifacts. Using an artifact’s ID, the consumer can request the corresponding data using GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data (optionally with the URI of the referring contract agreement as the agreementUri anddownload set to true). To this request, any additional path segments, query parameters, and headers can be added, so that the request may look as follows:

GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data/additional/path
GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data?param1=value1&param2=value2
GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data/additional/path?param1=value1&param2=value2

The consumer connector sends any additional query parameters, path segments, and headers specified in the request to GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data to the provider connector as the payload of the automatically sent IDS ArtifactRequestMessage.


Below, two scenarios are presented and each processing step is explained using example URLs.

Query Parameters

A data provider wants to share data from a REST API that uses query parameters without having to create an additional artifact for each possible combination of query parameters. Instead, the data is being offered using one single artifact and letting the data consumer decide on the query parameters that should be forwarded.

  1. Provider defines the base URL of the REST API as the accessUrl of the artifact:
  2. Provider provides a link to the REST API documentation as the endpointDocumentation attribute of a resource offer.
    Query parameters according to API documentation:
       required: name (any string)
       optional: number (any positive integer)
  3. Consumer follows the link to the REST API documentation after requesting the resource’s metadata (using POST /api/ids/description).
  4. Consumer negotiates a contract with the provider for the desired artifact (using POST /api/ids/contract).
    • The HTTP response contains the contract agreement, that has been created during the messaging sequence.
    • This agreement object contains some meta information that i.a. reference the IDs of the newly created artifact(s).
  5. Consumer uses the artifact’s ID to request the corresponding data, using GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data (optionally with the URI of the referring contract agreement as the agreementUri anddownload set to true), and adds the query parameters to the request. 1) only the required parameter GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data?name=John 2) the required and the optional parameter GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data?name=John&number=3
  6. The consumer connector sends the additional query parameters specified in the request to GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data to the provider connector as the payload of the ArtifactRequestMessage. After receiving the message, the provider connector fetches the data from the backend system after appending the specified query parameters to the URL. 1) GET 2) GET

Path Segments

A data provider wants to share data from a REST API that supports different path segments without having to create an additional artifact for each possible path segment or each possible combination of segments. Instead, the data is being offered using one single artifact and letting the data consumer decide what path segment(s) should be forwarded.

  1. Provider defines the URL of the REST API as the accessUrl of the resource’s artifact:
  2. Provider provides a link to the REST API documentation as the endpointDocumentation attribute of a resource offer.
     Path segments according to API documentation:
          required: name (any string), number (any positive integer)
  3. Consumer follows the link to the REST API documentation after requesting the resource’s metadata (using POST /api/ids/description).
  4. Consumer negotiates a contract with the provider for the desired artifact (using POST /api/ids/contract).
    • The HTTP response contains the contract agreement, that has been created during the messaging sequence.
    • This agreement object contains some meta information that i.a. reference the IDs of the newly created artifact(s).
  5. Consumer uses the artifact’s ID to request the corresponding data, using GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data (optionally with the URI of the referring contract agreement as the agreementUri anddownload set to true), and adds the path segments to the request.
    GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data/John/3
  6. The consumer connector sends the additional path segments specified in the request to GET /api/artifacts/{id}/data to the provider connector as the payload of the ArtifactRequestMessage. After receiving the message, the provider connector fetches the data from the backend system after appending the specified path segments to the pre-defined URL.