IDS Usage Control Policies

Usage policies are an important aspect of IDS, further details are explained on this page.

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The Dataspace Connector supports usage policies written in the IDS Usage Control Language based on ODRL.

“An IDS Contract is implicitly divided to two main sections: the contract specific metadata and the IDS Usage Control Policy of the contract. The contract specific information (e.g., date when the contract has been issued or references to the sensitive information about the involved parties) has no effect on the enforcement. However, the IDS Usage Control Policy is the key motive of organizational and technical Usage Control enforcement. Furthermore, an IDS Usage Control Policy contains several Data Usage Control statements (e.g., permissions, prohibitions and obligations) called IDS Rules and is specified in the IDS Usage Control Language which is a technology independent language. The technically enforceable rules shall be transformed to a technology dependent policy (e.g., MYDATA) to facilitate the Usage Control enforcement of data sovereignty.” (p.22, IDSA Position Paper Usage Control in the IDS)

Policy Patterns

Following the specifications of the IDSA Position Paper about Usage Control, the IDS defines 21 policy classes. The Dataspace Connector currently implements nine of these.

No. Title Support Implementation
1 Allow the Usage of the Data x provides data usage without any restrictions
2 Connector-restricted Data Usage x allows data usage for a specific connector
3 Application-restricted Data Usage -  
4 Interval-restricted Data Usage x provides data usage within a specified time interval
5 Duration-restricted Data Usage x allows data usage for a specified time period
6 Location Restricted Policy -  
7 Perpetual Data Sale (Payment once) -  
8 Data Rental (Payment frequently) -  
9 Role-restricted Data Usage -  
10 Purpose-restricted Data Usage Policy -  
11 Event-restricted Usage Policy -  
12 Restricted Number of Usages x allows data usage for n times
13 Security Level Restricted Policy x allows data access only for connectors with a specified security level
14 Use Data and Delete it After x allows data usage within a specified time interval with the restriction to delete it at a specified time stamp
15 Modify Data (in Transit) -  
16 Modify Data (in Rest) -  
17 Local Logging x allows data usage and sends logs to a specified Clearing House
18 Remote Notifications x allows data usage and sends notification message
19 Attach Policy when Distribute to a Third-party -  
20 Distribute only if Encrypted -  
21 State Restricted Policy -  

The usage policy is added to the metadata of a resource. The classes at io.dataspaceconnector.service.usagecontrol read, classify, verify, and enforce the policies at runtime. See how this works on the provider-side and consumer-side in the communication guide.

Policy In Depth

The supported policies are further explained in this section, as well as the meaning of each parameter. Every supported policy is defined in the PolicyPattern ENUM. The Rule class from the Information Model is used to define usage policies. The DSC matches rule objects to a DSC PolicyPattern with the getPatternByRule method from the RuleUtils class. The usagecontrol\RuleValidator class matches the patterns found in a rule and throws a PolicyRestrictionException if a policy restriction is detected. As soon as a PolicyRestrictionException is thrown, the access will be restricted.

Provide Access

Description: This policy simply grants access to the resource.

Usage During Interval and Usage Until Deletion

Parameters: start and end time (of type ZonedDateTime, a representation of an instant in the universal timeline)

Description: Both the policies Usage During Interval and Usage Until Deletion use the same parameters and behave in the same way. They check if the data access time is between the start and end time defined and if that is not the case, a PolicyRestrictionException is thrown. The access time used is a ZonedDateTime, which represents an instant in the universal timeline, since it also contains date, time and zone information. The only difference is that the Usage Until Deletion rule should contain a postDuty field with a DELETE action. This is checked by a scheduled class called ScheduledDataRemoval and deletes the data after the interval has passed. The Usage Until Deletion policy should be used if it is desired that the resource be deleted after the time interval.

Duration Usage

Parameters: a duration, as specified by the Duration java class. (Example: “PT10H” stands for 10 hours, see more)

Description: This policy starts a duration for a resource: the resource can only be accessed in the specified period. The duration starts counting from the artifacts’ creation time. If the consumer tries to access the resource and the current time is over the allowed period a PolicyRestrictionException is thrown and the access is therefore denied.

Usage Logging

Prerequisites: clearing house url in connector configuration

Description: This defines the policy to send usage logs to the clearing house. The clearing house has to be defined in the connectors’ configuration. The logs are sent as IDS Messages to the clearing house with the path “clearingHousePath/agreementId”. The resource that is to be logged is sent in the payload. It is not possible to specify in the rule to which clearing house should be logged. If a clearing house is not specified or the message could not be delivered, the data access will still be granted.

N Times Usage

Parameters: a maximum number of accesses

Description: This policy counts the access number of the resource and denies access if the access number is greater than the maximum number of accesses. It is recommended to disable automatic contract negotiation if you plan on using this policy, so that the data consumer does not negotiate a new contract once the maximum number of accesses has been reached. To disable automatic contract negotiation change the field to policy.negotiation=false in (how to negotiate a contract is shown here)

Usage Notification

Parameters: url to which usage notifications should be sent to (not limited to clearing house)

Description: This policy is similar to Usage Logging, but is not restricted to sending messages to a clearing house. In the post duty field of the rule, an url can be defined within a constraint to which the DSC will send usage notifications to. The payload of the logs sent contain target, issuer connector and access time. If the message could not be sent, the access will still be granted.

Connector Restricted Usage

Parameters: allowed connector URI defined in a rule

Description: This policy checks if the issuer connector is equal to a specified connector. The connector id that is used for this verification is the one provided in the config.json file. A similar check is performed when a contract is negotiated. For the negotiation the connector id is also checked to be the specified contract consumer.

Security Profile Restricted Usage


Description: This policy checks if the connector has a specific security profile. This is verified by analysing the DAT claims of the message received.

Prohibit Access

Parameters: none

Description: This policy denies the access to the resource. A resource can’t be shared if it is annotated with this policy.

Policy Enforcement

Not all policies are enforced in both data access and provision. Data access policies are checked when the consumer tries to use the data. Data provision policies are checked before the data is sent from the data provider to the data consumer. The list of patterns (policies) that are checked is found in the classes DataAccessVerifier and DataProvisionVerifier in the checkPolicy method. Policies enforced at data access currently are:


Policies enforced at data provision currently are:


The RuleValidator.validatePolicy function has a switch statement that matches the DSC policy patterns. The order of the policies that will be checked is defined. The validatePolicy function is called before an artifact is retrieved (ArtifactService -> DataAccessVerifier -> RuleValidator) and before data is provisioned (DataProvisionVerifier -> RuleValidator).

Usage Tips

To simplify the process of creating policies, the example endpoints described below can be used. A request with the desired DSC policy pattern can be sent to POST /api/examples/policy and the response will be the rule object that has to be added with the target uri to the data offering.

Example Endpoint

Examples for each of them can be found by using the endpoint POST /api/examples/policy, which can be accessed in the swagger UI under _Utils:

Swagger Policy Endpoints

The endpoint at POST /api/examples/policy is able to process inputs to fill out a policy automatically. Thus, it does not need to be modified afterwards. Have a look at the schema provided by the OpenApi specs or displayed by the Swagger UI.

Provide Access

{ "type": "PROVIDE_ACCESS" }

Prohibit Access

{ "type": "PROHIBIT_ACCESS" }

N Times Usage

{ "type": "N_TIMES_USAGE", "value": "5" }

Usage During Interval

{ "type": "USAGE_DURING_INTERVAL", "start": "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z", "end": "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z" }

Duration Usage

{ "type": "DURATION_USAGE", "duration": "PT1M30.5S" }

Usage Until Deletion

{ "type": "USAGE_UNTIL_DELETION", "start": "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z", "end": "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z", "date": "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z" }

Usage Logging

{ "type": "USAGE_LOGGING" }

Usage Notification

{ "type": "USAGE_NOTIFICATION", "url": "https://localhost:8080/api/ids/data" }

Connector Restricted Usage

{ "type": "CONNECTOR_RESTRICTED_USAGE", "url": "https://localhost:8080" }

Security Profile Restricted Usage


Pattern Examples

Provide Access

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:Permission",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "provide-access",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Allow Data Usage",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:action" : [ {
    "@id" : "idsc:USE"
  } ],
  "ids:target": [...]

Prohibit Access

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:Prohibition",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "prohibit-access",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Example Usage Policy",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:action" : [ {
    "@id" : "idsc:USE"
  } ],
  "ids:target": [...]

N Times Usage

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:Permission",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "n-times-usage",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Example Usage Policy",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:action" : [ {
    "@id" : "idsc:USE"
  } ],
  "ids:constraint" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:rightOperand" : {
      "@value" : "5",
      "@type" : ""
    "ids:leftOperand" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:COUNT"
    "ids:operator" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:LTEQ"
  } ],
  "ids:target": [...]

Duration Usage

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:Permission",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "duration-usage",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Example Usage Policy",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:action" : [ {
    "@id" : "idsc:USE"
  } ],
  "ids:constraint" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:rightOperand" : {
      "@value" : "PT1M30.5S",
      "@type" : ""
    "ids:leftOperand" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:ELAPSED_TIME"
    "ids:operator" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:SHORTER_EQ"
  } ],
  "ids:target": [...]

Usage During Interval

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:Permission",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "usage-during-interval",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Example Usage Policy",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:action" : [ {
    "@id" : "idsc:USE"
  } ],
  "ids:constraint" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:rightOperand" : {
      "@value" : "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z",
      "@type" : ""
    "ids:leftOperand" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:POLICY_EVALUATION_TIME"
    "ids:operator" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:AFTER"
  }, {
    "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:rightOperand" : {
      "@value" : "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z",
      "@type" : ""
    "ids:leftOperand" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:POLICY_EVALUATION_TIME"
    "ids:operator" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:BEFORE"
  } ],
  "ids:target": [...]

Usage Until Deletion

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:Permission",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "usage-until-deletion",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Example Usage Policy",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:postDuty" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:Duty",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:action" : [ {
      "@id" : "idsc:DELETE"
    } ],
    "ids:constraint" : [ {
      "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
      "@id" : "",
      "ids:rightOperand" : {
        "@value" : "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z",
        "@type" : ""
      "ids:leftOperand" : {
        "@id" : "idsc:POLICY_EVALUATION_TIME"
      "ids:operator" : {
        "@id" : "idsc:TEMPORAL_EQUALS"
    } ]
  } ],
  "ids:action" : [ {
    "@id" : "idsc:USE"
  } ],
  "ids:constraint" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:rightOperand" : {
      "@value" : "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z",
      "@type" : ""
    "ids:leftOperand" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:POLICY_EVALUATION_TIME"
    "ids:operator" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:AFTER"
  }, {
    "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:rightOperand" : {
      "@value" : "2020-07-11T00:00:00Z",
      "@type" : ""
    "ids:leftOperand" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:POLICY_EVALUATION_TIME"
    "ids:operator" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:BEFORE"
  } ],
  "ids:target": [...]

Usage Logging

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:Permission",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "usage-logging",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Example Usage Policy",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:postDuty" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:Duty",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:action" : [ {
      "@id" : "idsc:LOG"
    } ]
  } ],
  "ids:action" : [ {
    "@id" : "idsc:USE"
  } ],
  "ids:target": [...]

Usage Notification

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:Permission",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "usage-notification",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Example Usage Policy",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:postDuty" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:Duty",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:action" : [ {
      "@id" : "idsc:NOTIFY"
    } ],
    "ids:constraint" : [ {
      "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
      "@id" : "",
      "ids:rightOperand" : {
        "@value" : "https://localhost:8080/api/ids/data",
        "@type" : ""
      "ids:leftOperand" : {
        "@id" : "idsc:ENDPOINT"
      "ids:operator" : {
        "@id" : "idsc:DEFINES_AS"
    } ]
  } ],
  "ids:action" : [ {
    "@id" : "idsc:USE"
  } ],
  "ids:target": [...]

Connector Restricted Usage

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:Permission",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "connector-restriction",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Example Usage Policy",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:action" : [ {
    "@id" : "idsc:USE"
  } ],
  "ids:constraint" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:rightOperand" : {
      "@value" : "",
      "@type" : ""
    "ids:leftOperand" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:SYSTEM"
    "ids:operator" : {
      "@id" : "idsc:SAME_AS"
  } ],
  "ids:target": [...]

Security Profile Restricted Usage

  "@context" : {
    "xsd" : "",
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:Permission",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:action" : [ {
    "@id" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:constraint" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:operator" : {
      "@id" : ""
    "ids:leftOperand" : {
      "@id" : ""
    "ids:rightOperand" : {
      "@value" : "",
      "@type" : "xsd:string"
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Example Usage Policy",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "security-level-restriction",
    "@type" : ""
  } ],
  "ids:target": [...]