Database Migration

On this page, you can find some more details on how to migrate the connector’s database to the version 7 schema.

With version 7.0.0, the Dataspace Connector can migrate its database to the current schema. This is possible starting from version 5.0.0. If enabled, the migration is performed by the connector on start-up. This guide will explain step by step how to use the migration feature.

The migration is written for PostgreSQL and has not been tested with other databases!

It is highly recommended that you do a back-up of your database before starting the migration!

Configurations are not migrated.


In the

  1. Make a backup of the database, if not already done!
  2. Set spring.flyway.enabled to true.
  3. Set spring.flyway.baseline-on-migrate to true, if your database is not empty before the migration.
  4. Set spring.flyway.baseline-version to the last connector version used with the database (omit the v, for example spring.flyway.baseline-version=6.2.0 if the version of the last connector was 6.2.0).
  5. Set spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto to update.
  6. Start the connector.

The connector will then perform the migration on start-up.

The migration should remain enabled after it has been performed once, as new connector versions might introduce changes to the database which require another migration.


The migration is disabled in the Helm charts by default, but can be enabled by updating the following section in the values.yaml file:


Make sure to set SPRING_FLYWAY_BASELINE-VERSION to the last DSC version you used with the database to migrate.

Manual configurations

Under certain conditions, some manual configurations are required after the migration has been performed. You can find details on what actions are required in the sections below.

Data sources with type DATABASE

Data sources of type DATABASE are deleted during the migration. Before that, references to these data sources are removed from the endpoint table so that the database is still in a consistent state.

Actions to take

Re-create all previously persisted data sources and link them to the respective endpoints.


The model for data sources of type DATABASE has changed, as additional fields have been added for this type. These fields describe connection properties of a database and hence cannot be inferred or populated with default values. As existing data sources of type DATABASE would be invalid after the migration and thus would lead to errors if used, they are deleted.

Routes referencing connector endpoints

Routes that were previously linked to a connector endpoint are now missing either their start or their end endpoint.

Actions to take

If the connector endpoint was the end of the route, the route now has to be linked to an artifact (output) in order to be deployed as a Camel route.


The ConnectorEndpoint entity has been removed from the data model in v7.0.0. When Camel routes are created by the connector, the information previously held by the connector endpoint is now inferred from the context.

Route output

All links between routes and artifacts are removed during the migration.

Actions to take

Links between routes and artifacts have to be re-created by adding or updating an artifact with a route reference.


Routes and artifacts can be linked to each other to show which route provides the data for a specific artifact. Previously, routes could be linked to any number of artifacts (one-to-many), but from v7.0.0 on, one route can only reference a single artifact as its output (one-to-one).

In order to link an artifact to a route, the route’s ID (URI, not just UUID) has to be specified as the artifact’s accessUrl when creating or updating an artifact:

POST /api/artifacts or PUT /api/artifacts/<uuid>

  "accessUrl": "<connector-url>/api/routes/<route-uuid>"

As only one artifact can reference a route at a time, adding/updating an artifact with a route URL will fail if there is already another artifact referencing the same route.