IDS App Store

This section provides a detailed guide on communication with the IDS AppStore.

The IDS App Store is available at It expects IDS multipart messages at The GUI can be accessed at The access to all addresses is unrestricted.

The repository is open source and can be accessed at GitHub. Further documentation about the IDS App Store and IDS apps in general can be seen here.

The Dataspace Connector provides some endpoints to send IDS messages that can be processed by the App Store. A full flow of how to query the App Store, download, and maintain an IDS App can be found in the following.


Please ensure that your connector uses a valid IDS certificate. For this, take a look at these configuration steps and this guide for issuing a certificate.

Step 1: Configuration

For managing and deploying images/containers via the provided API, Portainer has to run and be accessible in your setup. For setting custom configurations, have a look at the

Note: A guide for a basic setup of Portainer in Docker can be found here.

Step 2: Create app store entity

First, create an app store via POST /api/appstores:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://localhost:8080/api/appstores' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "title": "Example AppStore",
  "description": "Some description",
  "location": ""

Create AppStore


  "creationDate": "2021-08-30T17:29:10.905+0200",
  "modificationDate": "2021-08-30T17:29:10.905+0200",
  "location": "",
  "title": "Example AppStore",
  "description": "Some description",
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://localhost:8080/api/appstores/35234f27-ed1e-4093-827e-c12863bd3844"
    "apps": {
      "href": "https://localhost:8080/api/appstores/35234f27-ed1e-4093-827e-c12863bd3844/apps{?page,size}",
      "templated": true

With a GET on /api/appstores/apps, apps downloaded from this app store are listed.

Step 3: Query IDS AppStore

To query the apps provided by the AppStore, you can use the POST api/ids/description endpoint. With this, you can have a look at the offers like you do with other connectors.

Query AppStore

Find an example app in the following.

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "",
    "idsc" : ""
  "@type" : "ids:ResourceCatalog",
  "@id" : "",
  "ids:offeredResource" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:AppResource",
    "@id" : "",
    "ids:language" : [ {
      "@id" : ""
    } ],
    "ids:version" : "1",
    "ids:created" : {
      "@value" : "2021-08-27T08:37:01.126Z",
      "@type" : ""
    "ids:title" : [ {
      "@value" : "HelloWorldDataProcessingApp",
      "@language" : "EN"
    } ],
    "ids:representation" : [ {
      "@type" : "ids:AppRepresentation",
      "@id" : "",
      "ids:language" : {
        "@id" : ""
      "ids:instance" : [ {
        "@type" : "ids:Artifact",
        "@id" : "",
        "ids:fileName" : "",
        "ids:creationDate" : {
          "@value" : "2021-08-27T08:37:02.109Z",
          "@type" : ""
        "ids:byteSize" : 974,
        "ids:checkSum" : "2905321759"
      } ],
      "ids:mediaType" : {
        "@type" : "ids:IANAMediaType",
        "@id" : "",
        "ids:filenameExtension" : ""
      "ids:created" : {
        "@value" : "2021-08-27T08:37:01.610Z",
        "@type" : ""
      "ids:title" : [ ],
      "ids:description" : [ ],
      "ids:modified" : {
        "@value" : "2021-08-27T08:37:01.610Z",
        "@type" : ""
      "ids:representationStandard" : {
        "@id" : ""
      "ids:dataAppDistributionService" : {
        "@id" : ""
      "ids:dataAppRuntimeEnvironment" : "docker",
      "ids:dataAppInformation" : {
        "@type" : "ids:SmartDataApp",
        "@id" : "",
        "ids:supportedUsagePolicies" : [ {
          "@id" : ""
        } ],
        "ids:appDocumentation" : "App-related human-readable documentation.",
        "ids:appEnvironmentVariables" : "Env1=environmentvariable;Env2=environmentvariable2",
        "ids:appStorageConfiguration" : "/data/temp:/temp",
        "ids:appEndpoint" : [ {
          "@type" : "ids:AppEndpoint",
          "@id" : "",
          "ids:path" : "/output",
          "ids:endpointInformation" : [ {
            "@value" : "More information about the endpoint",
            "@language" : "EN"
          } ],
          "ids:endpointDocumentation" : [ {
            "@id" : ""
          } ],
          "ids:appEndpointType" : {
            "@id" : ""
          "ids:appEndpointMediaType" : {
            "@type" : "ids:IANAMediaType",
            "@id" : "",
            "ids:filenameExtension" : "application/json"
          "ids:appEndpointProtocol" : "HTTP/1.1",
          "ids:accessURL" : {
            "@id" : "/output"
          "ids:appEndpointPort" : 80
        } ]
    } ],
    "ids:theme" : [ ],
    "ids:contentPart" : [ ],
    "ids:defaultRepresentation" : [ ],
    "ids:keyword" : [ {
      "@value" : "data",
      "@language" : "EN"
    }, {
      "@value" : "processing",
      "@language" : "EN"
    }, {
      "@value" : "fit",
      "@language" : "EN"
    } ],
    "ids:temporalCoverage" : [ ],
    "ids:paymentModality" : [ {
      "@id" : ""
    } ],
    "ids:publisher" : {
      "@id" : ""
    "ids:sovereign" : {
      "@id" : ""
    "ids:description" : [ {
      "@value" : "data app for processing data.",
      "@language" : "EN"
    } ],
    "ids:spatialCoverage" : [ ],
    "ids:modified" : {
      "@value" : "2021-08-27T08:37:01.126Z",
      "@type" : ""
    "ids:resourceEndpoint" : [ {
      "@type" : "ids:ConnectorEndpoint",
      "@id" : "",
      "ids:endpointInformation" : [ ],
      "ids:endpointDocumentation" : [ {
        "@id" : ""
      } ],
      "ids:accessURL" : {
        "@id" : ""
    } ],
    "ids:resourcePart" : [ ],
    "ids:standardLicense" : {
      "@id" : ""
    "ids:sample" : [ ],
    "ids:contractOffer" : [ {
      "@type" : "ids:ContractOffer",
      "@id" : "",
      "ids:permission" : [ {
        "@type" : "ids:Permission",
        "@id" : "",
        "ids:title" : [ {
          "@value" : "Example Usage Policy",
          "@type" : ""
        } ],
        "ids:assignee" : [ ],
        "ids:assigner" : [ ],
        "ids:postDuty" : [ ],
        "ids:description" : [ {
          "@value" : "n-times-usage",
          "@type" : ""
        } ],
        "ids:constraint" : [ {
          "@type" : "ids:Constraint",
          "@id" : "",
          "ids:leftOperand" : {
            "@id" : ""
          "ids:rightOperand" : {
            "@value" : "5",
            "@type" : ""
          "ids:operator" : {
            "@id" : ""
        } ],
        "ids:action" : [ {
          "@id" : ""
        } ],
        "ids:preDuty" : [ ]
      } ],
      "ids:provider" : {
        "@id" : ""
      "ids:contractEnd" : {
        "@value" : "2021-12-06T11:33:44.995Z",
        "@type" : ""
      "ids:consumer" : {
        "@id" : ""
      "ids:prohibition" : [ ],
      "ids:obligation" : [ ],
      "ids:contractStart" : {
        "@value" : "2021-08-27T08:37:02.267Z",
        "@type" : ""
      "ids:contractDate" : {
        "@value" : "2021-09-01T07:13:04.703Z",
        "@type" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "ids:requestedResource" : [ ]

Step 4: Download IDS App

To download an app, you need the id of the ids:AppResource. With this and the id from the app store entity you previously registered via the REST API, you can then download the app’s metadata as shown in the following image.

Download App

As a response, you receive the created app entity:

  "creationDate": "2021-09-01T09:13:43.957+0200",
  "modificationDate": "2021-09-01T09:13:43.957+0200",
  "remoteId": "",
  "remoteAddress": "",
  "docs": "App-related human-readable documentation.",
  "envVariables": "Env1=environmentvariable;Env2=environmentvariable2",
  "storageConfig": "/data/temp:/temp",
  "supportedPolicies": [
  "keywords": [
  "publisher": "",
  "sovereign": "",
  "language": "",
  "license": "",
  "endpointDocumentation": "",
  "distributionService": "",
  "runtimeEnvironment": "docker",
  "additional": {
    "ids:byteSize": "974",
    "ids:checkSum": "2905321759",
    "ids:mediaType": "",
    "ids:fileName": "",
    "ids:language": ""
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "https://localhost:8080/api/apps/c18fbc6c-e09f-4ded-91a8-abbc9e147ba6"
    "endpoints": {
      "href": "https://localhost:8080/api/apps/c18fbc6c-e09f-4ded-91a8-abbc9e147ba6/endpoints{?page,size}",
      "templated": true

It is automatically connected to appropriate endpoints provided by this app - for data flow and for configuration purposes.

To get to know what apps were downloaded from what AppStore, you can use the following endpoint: GET /api/appstores/{id}/apps.

Step 5: Deploy and maintain IDS Apps

The endpoint PUT /api/apps/{id}/actions can be used to perform certain actions for downloaded apps - by using Portainer’s REST API. Currently, the Dataspace Connector provides four actions:

  • start: A container is started. If there is no provided container for an app yet, or the image has not been downloaded from the IDS AppStore’s registry, this will be done first.
  • stop: A running container is stopped.
  • delete: A stopped container is deleted.
  • describe: Can be used to get current status information of a running container.