Database Configuration

On this page, you can find some more details on how to replace the built-in database.

The Dataspace Connector uses Spring Data JPA to set up the database and manage interactions with it. Spring Data JPA supports many well-known relational databases out of the box. Thus, the internal H2 can be replaced by e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle databases with minimal effort.

To use another database for the Connector, follow these steps:

  1. Add the dependency for your chosen database to the Connector’s pom.xml (contains required JDBC driver).
  2. Adjust the following parameters in src/main/resources/

  3. Check what types for large objects your chosen database supports. In some entity classes, some fields reference another object, and the column definition for the respective fields is set to the value @LOB. This type works for H2 but might not be supported in your chosen database. In that case, set the column definition to a supported value. Spring will take care of the rest. The next time you start the Connector, it will use the newly configured database. If the tables have not yet been created in the new database, remember to set the property spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto to the value create for the first application start. Spring will generate tables for all entities. For consecutive application starts, the property can be set to update, if data should not be lost.

Keep in mind that when using an external database, the specified database is required to be running and reachable when starting the Connector, otherwise it will fail. So you will either have to run a database instance locally or, in case of using Docker, add a database container to your setup. Docker images of common databases are freely available.

When using v7 of the connector, it is recommended to enable database migration so that the database may be updated by future releases.


Hereinafter, an example on how to use a PostgreSQL database with the Connector will be given.

Setup PostgreSQL

The following steps are the same for other databases, just with different values. Adjust datasource properties in

spring.datasource.url = jdbc:postgresql://[postgres-host]:5432/[database-name]
spring.datasource.platform = postgres
spring.datasource.driver-class-name = org.postgresql.Driver
spring.datasource.username = [username]
spring.datasource.password = [password]
spring.jpa.database-platform = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect

Execute Docker

To run the connector with docker-compose.yaml, a PostgreSQL container has to be added to the setup. Therefore, add the following service to the docker-compose.yaml:

   image: postgres
     - "5432:5432"
     - ./postgres.env

In the file postgres-params.env, specify the database name, username, and password for the PostgreSQL container:


The last step is to set the Connector’s properties so that it uses the database provided in the container. To achieve this, add an env file to the Connector service in docker-compose.yaml:

    - ./connector.env

In this file, specify the following parameters:


To ensure that the Connector container waits until the Postgres container is ready, before it tries to connect, also add this to the Connector service in docker-compose.yaml:

    - postgres

By default, all data in the Postgres container will be lost when running docker-compose down. If you want to keep your data persisted across restarts, add a persistent volume in the docker-compose.yaml:

       image: postgres
          - connector-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

       connector-data: {}