
The International Data Spaces (IDS) Information Model

The Information Model is an RDFS/OWL-ontology covering the fundamental concepts of the International Data Spaces (IDS), i.e. the types of digital contents that are exchanged by participants by means of the IDS infrastructure components. The ontology and its documentation are published at The model development is led by the Fraunhofer Institutes for Applied Information Technology FIT and Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS with support by members of the International Data Spaces Association in the context of the Information Model sub-working group (SWG4). The group is chaired by Christoph Lange (Fraunhofer FIT) and Sebastian Tramp (eccenca GmbH).

The model development is based on GitHub, following a defined branching model. Contributions and community feedback are maintained via the GitHub ticketing system. The release process is aligned with the International Data Spaces Association architecture working group meetings, i.e. there are roughly 2 releases scheduled per year with intermediary updates to the development branch. The current release version is 4.1.0, with the latest revision 4.1.0. The Information Model and associated resources published on GitHub are available under the Apache License 2.0.

Authors and contributors

The Information Model was originally created by

with significant contributions, comments and support by (in alphabetical order):

Likewise the authors would like to thank numerous colleagues at Fraunhofer, active participants of the International Data Spaces Association, the members of the W3C Dataset Exchange Group and Data Market Austria for illuminating conversations and support in shaping the Information Model.

Directory layout

There are following top-level files and directories:

Additional resources are provided:


The dependency to the Java representation is as follows (replace ${infomodel.version} with the latest version):


For automated validation of the Information Model POJOs (via the builder classes) you can include:
